Friday, June 27, 2008

What a Relief

Well, we would like to thank everyone for your wishful thoughts and encouraging prayers, they all paid off. We just received the results from the Quad Screen (blood work) and it turns out that Baby Fenton is just going to be like dear old mom and dad, SHORT. What great, uplifting news to receive this morning, big sigh of relief. Thanks again, we love you all!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Ultrasound Day

Well, sorry to disappoint you all, but we decided not to find out the sex of our baby ghost. I guess we will all just have to wait and be surprised. The ultrasound showed that most is normal, it has a good heart, of course, two arms and two legs, and the head is normal ??? They also told us that the baby's femur bones are a little short,(a sign of downs) but look at mom and dad, how in the world could it have long femur bones, genetically impossible!! Anyway, of course we are a little worried right now, but the nurse insisted that we not worry because most of time it means nothing other than the baby is short, go figure. Melissa will get blood work done tomorrow for the Quad Screen which will tell us for sure whether something is wrong or not. Keep your fingers crossed and say a prayer for the littlest Fenton.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Strong Heart Beat

Just wanted to let everyone know that baby fenton's heart is beating at 150 beats per minute. We heard the little thing's heart today at the doctor. Next Monday we get an ultrasound and get to finally see how he/she is doing. To find out or not to find out!!!!! That is the question. . .

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

4 Months and Growing Strong

March 10, 2008

June 10, 2008
Here are some comparison pictures so you all can see how big Melissa and, of course, the little Fenton are getting. I basically had to beg her to let me take the second picture. . . Sensitive subject!!!!!